


Industrial Cooling Application

Increase productivity with our cost-effective factory cooling systems. Factory managers and owners want to provide a comfortable environment during the manufacturing process. Air conditioning a full factory in most cases is unviable because of both first costs and running costs. Hence Evaporative Air Cooling is a cost effective solution. In peak summer months a well-designed Arctic system can even reduce temperatures from 45 + degrees to ~ 27 degree Celsius in an economical manner.


Arctic Factory cooling experts can study the factory layout and recommend an optimal solution which could be one of the following: ducted cool air flow to work areas / on-spot cooling through portable coolers / side / top discharge air coolers. Indirect direct evaporative cooling can be used for further temperature reduction and use in monsoon / higher humidity months. Various solutions and products are available, and we can guide and work with you on the best options. Such solutions not only reduce temperatures but also can reduce suspended dust in the shopfloor environment. We are the Factory Cooling Experts.


Industrial Cooling Application

Increase Productivity

Industrial Cooling Application

Energized Workers

Industrial Cooling Application

100% Fresh & Cool Air for Better Air Quality

Industrial Cooling Application

Cool Large Areas Economically

Industrial Cooling Application

Save on Maintenance

Industrial Cooling Application

Eco-friendly Air Cooling

Industrial Cooling Application

Reduce suspended dust

Arctic Evaporative Coolers are ideal for Industrial cooling Applications like

Industrial Cooling Application

Factory Shop Floors

Assembly Line, Auto Industry, Textile Industry, Printing & Packaging, Engineering Industry, Plastic Industry, Panel Rooms, warehouses and many more

Industrial Cooling Application

Kitchen Ventilation

Hotels & Restaurants, Company Canteens, Garden Restaurants, etc.

Industrial Cooling Application

Hospitality Places

Restaurants, Hotel Rooms, Resorts, Lobby Area, etc.

Industrial Cooling Application

Multipurpose Halls

Wedding Halls, Banquet Hall, Auditoriums, Cinema Hall, Theatre etc.


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